Aktiebolaget Pelarsalen
Pelarsalen is a management and investment company with a sustainable focus.
Consultancy: advisory services related to corporate governance, interim CEO, CFO, investment management and external funding including EU-funding.
Operational: electricity production, sustainable forestry and land management.
Active investments:
Current active private holdings: Audiodo AB and Pamica I Pamica II Pamica III and IV, a Halmstad based private equity fund structure. Exited investments include: Nomor, that was developed to the second largest pest-control company in the Nordics, (sold to Norvestor Equity). Acosense (when listed on Spotlight) CirChem AB (when listed on First North) CleantechInvest plc (after listing on Nasdaq First North) Enersize (when listed on First North) Falkensvind AB. Besides, Pelarsalen has a non active portfolio of listed companies.
Thomas Bengtsson has an international career in corporate governance and corporate policy, including a position at the European Commission in Brussels and as an investment manager at the Swedish Minstry of Enterprise including roles as vice chairman of the Board of Directors of Industrifonden, Chairman of the board of Inlandsinnovation and member of the board of Almi. Thomas has established public venture-capital institutions such as Saminvest AB, Inlandsinnovation AB and Fouriertransform AB as well as merged Innovationsbron and Almi.
As an entrepreneur and investor Thomas has since 2017 been active in various roles in Pelarsalens investments, including chariman of the board of CleantechInvest plc (listed on First North Helsinki), CFO and chariman of the board of Enersize plc (listed on First North Stockholm), CFO and chairman of the board of Avsalt AB (listed on First North Stockholm) and as a member of the board of directors of Trollväggen AB (buy-out company of Nomor). Since 2023 Thomas is the chairman of the board of Artex Group AB, part of Pamica Group.
More recently Pelarsalen has had various consultancy assignments with customers such as East Hill Equity (manging Scania Growth Capital), Apollonian (external funding for growth companies), Coloreel Group AB (fundraising 2020-22), Skellefteå Kommun (EIB funding project 2023), Mikroponent AB (sell side mandate 2023, successfully sold to Scandinavian Astor Group). Safe Solutions Group, 2024-25 Interim CEO and sell side assignment.